Monday, December 26, 2016

Innovation in Aid to Israel

Israel Aid Relief

Israel Relief Aid is a Registered, Israeli Non-Profit Corporation supplying humanitarian aid stations run by believers in Yeshua (Jesus) all over the country for new immigrants, the homeless, unemployed and single-parent families.  We also supply to hospitals, children’s welfare villages, the IDF, Holocaust Survivor centers, facilities for the disabled and other institutions.

Our Goal: Help  Israelis in Poverty - Cost Effectively

The Problem:  The multitude of aid organizations trying to help Israel (most at an exorbitant price tag) have not been able to meet the needs of Israelis living under the poverty line, nor of the influx of more immigrants coming ot Israel from nations in crisis, like Ukraine and France.

The Challenge:  To import aid into the country with a low price tag to lower the percentage of Israelis living under the poverty line

The Method:  Containers of donated aid are loaded in countries around the world by international charity shippers.  These charities have access to quantities of freely-donated quality aid and ship regularly to countries in need.

Israel Aid Relief

Our team in Netherlands has its own logistics service and warehouses and since 1993 has aided humanitarian projects in Europe/regional crisis areas (Ukraine and others), sending:
  • Quality clothing, furniture and household goods for new immigrants
  • Mattresses/beds for older IDF bases
  • Hospital supplies for all the government hospitals, paramedics and clinics
  • Baby supplies and clothing for organizations helping new mothers in poverty
  • Furniture and beds for orphanages and at-risk youth
  • School supplies for kindergartens/schools for disabled children  

Each aid container of donated goods costs only  about $9000 to be shipped, cleared through customs and distributed in Israel! Yet each container's contents has 10-30 times that amount worth of aid! 

These shipping containers (containing an average of 10 tons of aid each) are brought by ship, unloaded to the Israeli port and go through an import clearing process to receive authorizations to leave the port.

Flatbed trucks load the container and truck it to up to three stops in Israel.

No overhead is required for Israeli warehouse rent, property tax, required insurance, truck purchases, gasoline, repairs, truck insurance, forklifts, warehouse employees/payroll/pension/etc.

Direct Source Giving - Simple, Cost Effective
The contributions of donors are directly used to ship/clear/truck containers of aid without hefty overhead costs.

Who Are We Aiding?

Our Israeli management has an extensive infrastructure of government/welfare and civic, non-profit organizations that are distributing at a low level and need much more aid in order to help more Israelis.

Our method is to bring in aid for Holocaust Survivors, widows, the homeless, the disabled, new immigrants, single parent families, orphanages, those living under the poverty line and institutions serving the needy all over the land.  Click here for detailed map and ministry description of all our center partners.

How Can You Help? You can partner with us one time or monthly - whatever the Lord lays on your heart.  All donations are tax deductible. Thank you so much!

  • Give By Phone Donation Line - 484-Faith21 (484-324-8421)
  • Give By Mail - (Please make Checks and Money Orders payable to "Chevra")
  • Israel Relief Aid  c/o Chevra
    PO Box 645
    Havertown, PA 19083

    Israel Relief Aid R.A. is audited, has CPA accounts oversight and is certified by the Israeli Corporations Authority and Registrar of Charities. Our Netherlands account is approved under the status of an ANBI corporation. All donations are tax deductible. 

    Israel Relief Aid Directors/Advisors

    Jo Kaplan, Director/CEO, Israel
    Max Veenstra, Chairman, Netherlands
    Leszek David Lazowski, Poland
    Jack van der Tang, Netherlands
    Johan Schreuders, Austria
    Leonid Gourari, Germany
    Nevill E. Smith, UK

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