If you feel called to stand with the Land of Israel and to be a part of this holy work, now is the time to partner with Israel Relief Aid.
The nation of Israel is trying to recover from the trauma, with abductees still suffering in the Gaza Strip. Government funds are committed to keeping our borders safe from the hotbeds of terror.
This leaves huge gaps in help needed for homeless Israelis, new immigrants, Holocaust Survivors, the disabled, orphans, the unemployed, single-parent families, etc.
Your emergency gift will provide assistance RIGHT NOW, in a multitude of areas to help with food, clothing, household goods, etc. Your prayerful support is also needed!
Chevra/Israel Relief Aid
711 W. Main Street, Box 110
Ovilla, TX 75154
Donating by Phone with Credit Card or Bank Account Transfer: 484-324-8421
All donations are tax deductible thanks to our USA tax receipt processing partners – CHEVRA USA