Wednesday, August 3, 2016

NEW: Fast-Flow Technology Aid-Transfer Center

Fast-Flow Technology Aid-Transfer Center

Located in Central Israel near Ben Gurion airport, our multi-container storage center has been established with our requirement of low-cost control.  At only 10% of the cost of monthly warehouse rentals in Israel, this is a super-inexpensive deal!  We're very excited.

Loading container

Israel Relief Aid has begun by stocking it with two shipping containers which are loaded with humanitarian aid like clothing and furniture.  This will allow 40 of the smaller aid stations to come to pick up aid stock, or for us to deliver to them.

This storage site is centrally located in Israel near three highways, ideal for unloading containers to the site and also for pick up of aid by the aid stations.

Pictured above is Jerusalem aid station for distressed mothers/babies picking up baby clothing from our Israel Relief Aid Fast-Flow Storage Center.

A big thank you to our friends for making a difference for Israelis in need!

Who Are We?

Israel Relief Aid is a Registered Israeli Non-Profit Corporation supplying humanitarian aid stations throughout the nation of Israel for new immigrants, the homeless, unemployed and single-parent families as well as hospitals, children’s welfare villages, the IDF, Holocaust Survivor centers, facilities for the disabled and other institutions.  

A low-cost strategy focusing on minimal running costs puts our resources mostly to shipping and import of the aid itself, enabling us to import more relief into Israel.

Israel Relief Aid is also a door-to-door logistics service provider of aid containers that meet the standards of Customs in Israel.  We help overseas individuals, congregations and organizations support nonprofits or needy sectors of their choosing in Israel.  We also assist those that want to support Israel with their own aid but have not shipped due to lack of familiarity with logistics and customs.  We are here “to feed the hungry, clothe the naked,” and provide for the needy.

How Can You Help Israel?

  • Hiram Program -- funding towards aid container shipping for Israelis in poverty, or new immigrants, or packing a container’s worth of used clothing in a year for Israel
  • Israel Kits – Emergency Survival Kits (for bomb shelter use)
  • Manna Program – Rice and Lentils for Israelis in need
See for details

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