Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Letter from Israel Relief Aid CEO re: Terror Attacks

Israel Border BarbWire Fence

No one expects a terror attack. The victims are always caught by surprise. All Israel is in sadness during these three weeks of Tammuz-Av, the historical time when bad things, if they are going to happen to Israel, take place. Read more...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Orphans in Israel Get Summer Blessing

Games for Israeli Orphans

Their parents are no more. They are orphans. Although there is a caring facility that takes care of them, there is something wrong.  All the kids at the youth village that do have a living parent got released for the summer, except 110 of them.  In 100 degree heat, most of their day is spent inside.  Not so fun. The Ben Shemen Youth Village had an idea to brighten their days and gave Israel Relief Aid a request: Can you bring us table games for ages 6 to 14?  Read more...

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

What's Always in High Demand in Israel?

Volunteers working in Israel Aid Center

After 16 years of working in humanitarian aid in Israel and distributing huge quantities of clothing, we find that one single item is still the most in demand . . . clothing! Read more...