Thursday, September 29, 2016

Diapers for Families in Poverty

Diaper Delivery for Israeli Aid Centers

Above are some photos of diapers being delivered from Israel Relief Aid to stock aid centers in Netanya and Beer Sheva to help Israeli families in need. Teamwork is what makes it possible!  Thank you!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blessings for Mothers and Babies at Risk

Baby Clothing Shipment

For all of you who support Israel Relief Aid...Thank you SO MUCH!  We're amazed at the doors Adonai is opening and we attribute it to all of you! Remember these clothes that were being sent from our Netherlands branch to Israel in a container?

Monday, September 26, 2016

New Israel Relief Aid Center Partner

We have added a new partner to our Humanitarian Aid infrastructure: Aviv Rehab in Beer Sheva (a Ukrainian-run Rehab for alcoholism). We're delivering men's clothing to them this week and will continue assisting them on an ongoing basis. 

Monday Motivation