Sunday, December 4, 2016

Celebrating Hanukkah with Hospitalized Israeli Children

How tragic that as the Festival of Lights approaches, children’s wards and surgical wards are full of hospitalized Israeli children who cannot celebrate this fun holiday.  Hospitals are difficult places for children, and when kids are hospitalized, they are in pain.  The surgery wards are places of tears and sadness.

But together, we can put a smile back on these little faces.

And that is why I am writing to you at this very special time of year—to ask you to send a special Hanukkah gift to enable Israel Relief Aid to purchase soft toys to these hurting Israeli children during Hanukkah.

At the very hardest time of their little lives, your soft toy will be in their arms.

Plus--the nurses ask for a stock of toys for the coming months also, to reward young ones after a tough surgery, test or treatment.  It’s not always easy to face a crying, uncooperative child – a toy does wonders to make their job easier, and puts a smile on the department staff also! I’ve seen whole departments go from sad to happy in just one hour of toy distribution.

This is above and beyond our normal flow of import container assistance to our network of 40 aid centers, and many other institutions we supply . . . because 1.5 millions Israelis are in poverty.  But this request is strictly for the children.

As Hanukkah approaches, your Hanukkah gift of $35, $50, $100, or more will help Israel Relief Aid provide toys to children as we visit hospital surgery wards and children’s wards in the central region of Israel.

In this season, the Jewish people celebrate the Festival of Lights.  This year, show compassion on the smallest of them.  Thank you for being His light to Israel this season!

Toda Raba (thank you very much)!

Jo Kaplan
CEO - Israel Relief Aid

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