Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hanukkah Toy Outreach 2016

A hospital at holiday time is not a fun place to be.  Everyone is in pain and upset.  That is, until the knock comes on the door of the, room, greeting "Happy Hanukkah!"  That's when the happiness starts.

Asaf Harofe Hospital near Ben Gurion Airport was Israel Relief Aid's destination for toy distribution this time.

You can see the whole story in the faces of the children as they snuggle and hold their new cuddly toy.  We also gave chocolate "gelt" to the parents, who all "really" needed a soother.

We didn't take pictures in the ICU room, which was very difficult to see.  When the kids get better, they will see the toy that is waiting for them on the bed table.

The best part was to give each one our prayer for a speedy healing. A very rewarding day!

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