Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Winter Warm Campaign

Israel is experiencing an unusually cold and wet winter, and more than the normal amount of rain fell in December.  Israel Relief Aid's network of aid centers have been asking for warm jackets, clothing and blankets.

When Israel gets cold in the north, it also gets cold in the south, since we are not a huge country.  So, even in the southern desert, it is very very cold especially at night.  Here in the center of the country near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, apartments are very cold inside.

The Spring aid center in Haifa is shown here picking up winter items from our Logistics Center. They will give these items out to the needy in Haifa.

Here is a youth from a nearby orphanage that received new winter items. He is warm, but the others still need warm jackets.

Will you help us to bring more winter items into Israel?  

The Ethiopian, and Ukrainian immigrants, Holocaust Survivors, single parent families, disabled, orphans, children at risk, unemployed and all the sectors will be thanking God for you!

Teamwork truly does makes the dream work!

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