Sunday, March 26, 2017

Where is the Path?

God has heard the cries of His people for our country and has responded.  We have opportunity. What do we do?

The answers are in the heart of God, such as grabbing ourselves by the neck and changing our course to come together.

We are spirit – we have been given a body to live in and a soul to support our spirit.  In Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, we are born of the Spirit of God – reborn – born again – regenerated.  The Bible says we are of the same Spirit, of one spirit together (1 Corinthians 6:17; 1 Corinthians 12:13; and Ephesians 4:4).

Are we different?  If we are spirit according to the truth of the words of God, we are the same.  Not different.  That is the focus.  Personally and collectively, whether we are separated by location or gathered together in one place, we are spirit in our Father’s truth.  We are one Spirit in the Spirit of God within His Son, Messiah Yeshua, by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.

Is our soul different?  Do we have differences in our mind, our emotions and will?  Absolutely, and that is where our focus has been and is now toward one another.  Well, we are wrong.

In John 17:20-23, Yeshua is praying the Father to make us one as He and His Father are one.  Do you suppose His Father said, “Well, I’ll think about it.”  No way.  This is part of our inheritance, laid up with our Father by His son while He was here on earth with us.  So, what is the truth?  What is our focus toward one another?

Your focus is not on yourself and your differences (earthy).  Your focus is on one another by our spirit, not our differences, but Spirit and truth.  If you find that this is not the case with you, then you are on a wrong road of the world.

Choose on purpose the path that leads to Life (Matthew 10:39).  Does anything else really matter? No.  Does God react to us differently in spirit based on our differences of soul? No. Make your decision.

KC Cole author “The Truth of Christ’s Body,”

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