Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fresh - Bitter


Can you get fresh water from a bitter stream?  If you add fresh water to bitter water, it does not turn the bitter water fresh.  However, if you add bitter water to fresh, the water turns bitter.

James 3:10-12 (CJB)

10 Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing! Brothers, it isn’t right for things to be this way. 11 A spring doesn’t send both fresh and bitter water from the same opening, does it? 12 Can a fig tree yield olives, my brothers? or a grapevine, figs? Neither does salt water produce fresh.

In the life we have made and allowed for ourselves, on one hand, we spend our time being driven by the demands of the bitter world and its systems.  On the other hand, we try to make sense of what we are, and what to do with fresh life in Messiah.  The world has convinced us that this is our plight, as in, “That’s just the way things are in this life,” and we bought in and own that.  Fresh, bitter – this ought not to be.

What is the solution?

We must require our Father’s grace.  Not His pardon in our compromise, but his power that He promised us.  You are saved by His grace through your trust.

Ephesians 2:4-8Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

4 But God is so rich in mercy and loves us with such intense love 5 that, even when we were dead because of our acts of disobedience, he brought us to life along with the Messiah — it is by grace that you have been delivered. 6 That is, God raised us up with the Messiah Yeshua and seated us with him in heaven, 7 in order to exhibit in the ages to come how infinitely rich is his grace, how great is his kindness toward us who are united with the Messiah Yeshua. 8 For you have been delivered by grace through trusting, and even this is not your accomplishment but God’s gift. 

 All parts of your salvation in Messiah Yeshua, Christ Jesus, are by His grace (power, favor, anointing, and ability).  Find out just what this grace is.  Establish this truth for your life now with your words.  You can do this!

By KC Cole, author of “WHAT?! A Private Meeting for the Body of Christ in America”

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