Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Holiday Message from Israel Relief Aid CEO

Jo Kaplan

Every year at this time, when we reflect on our lives in this universe, we remind ourselves that we have chosen to dedicate our resources or careers to improving the wellbeing of the nation of Israel, that this is a key to our humanity. Read more...

The Call to Remember

If you look in Torah you will not see the name for this holiday as Rosh Hashanah. It is called Yom Teruah, or the day of the blasting of the shofar. This is altogether appropriate since the blowing of the shofar, many times over, is the liturgical highlight of the holiday.

Help Israeli Families in Need for Rosh HaShanah!

Apples and Honey

This Rosh Hashanah, millions of Jews will gather around the world to remember what it means to be part of the Nation of Israel. We will celebrate a New Year with festive clothing and holiday meals. Read more...

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rosh HaShana Blessings for the IDF

IDF Soldier Picks up bedding from Israel Relief Aid

Today was another special day of serving Israel’s Defense Forces with bedding for the Har Gilo soldiers’ facility and Jerusalem hostel and for the Ashqelon Soldiers’ VillageRead more...