Tuesday, October 11, 2016

High Holiday Blessings for Israelis in Need

This year Israel Relief Aid wanted to do an event for Rosh Hashana that would benefit Holocaust Survivors, but are also always thinking about the new immigrants that continue to trek into their new homeland.

The Carmiel aid center in the north of Israel partnered with us, and together we have purchased and assembled beautiful gifts and delivered each one to the homes of these families and lone Holocaust Survivors to bring a surprise blessing of joy and establish relationship.

For Sukkot, we've set up 1100 bags of rice to deliver to three groups:

  • 400 bags for 400 Ukrainian brand new immigrant families
  • 400 bags for Holocaust Survivors in Haifa
  • 300 bags for two Ethiopian immigrant communities in Haifa

Thank you, thank you to our friends who are helping to bless needy Israelis at this Holiday Season! There's still time if you would like to bless Israelis in need for the High Holy Days.

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