Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sukkot Manna Project

Sukkot  (Feast of Tabernacles) is Oct 17-23, 2016 and it commemorates the forty years of wandering of the people of Israel in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt ... and how Adonai miraculously provided for us.  He gave us manna to sustain us - thus the name of our Sukkot outreach this year - Sukkot Manna Project.

This year for Sukkot, we have set up 1100 bags of rice to deliver to the following groups:
  • 800 bags for 400 Ukrainian brand new immigrant families (including Holocaust Survivors in Haifa)
  • 300 bags for two Ethiopian immigrant communities in Haifa living under the poverty line
Israel Relief Aid has an extensive network of 40 aid centers throughout Israel helping thousands of children and families in need. With the generous help of committed friends like you, we’re supporting them in the distribution of clothing, furniture, household items, diapers, and much more. But there is also an urgent need for food.

As we provide rice for hungry people through these aid centers, as well as all of our crucial work across Israel, a new friendship is born.  That family comes to realize that someone loves them, provides for them... and it all began with a simple bag of rice!

We warmly invite you to stand with us by giving a one time or monthly Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) offering of $20, or $50, or perhaps even $100 or more.  However your heart leads.

Every dollar you give enables us to help more people in Israel.  

Our infrastructure in Israel is already well established; it is strong.  We have the expertise that is born from years of hands-on, face-to-face experience, years of heart-to-heart ministry among the people of Israel.

With your help today, we will be feeding the hungry, lifting up the needy... blessing Israel, one bowl of rice at a time.

As King Solomon wisely said in Proverbs 22:9—“A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.”

 Help Israelis in Need for Sukkot

Many Blessings and Chag Sukkot Sameach!

The Israel Relief Aid Team
Modiin, Israel

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