Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Meet Yael!

Meet sweet Yael who was one recipient of diapers from Israel Relief Aid (in the picture above, to the left). Yael is married and has three children.  Her situation is very hard and sad.  Her husband had an accident at work two years ago and his leg became disabled.  He has had one operation, and in May 2017 he is due to have a second surgery.

Yael gave birth to a beautiful son a month ago, but since his birth, she has had problems with her heart.  Her situation became much worse and had to make many trips to the hospital in order to feel OK.

Previously, Yael did not really receive proper medical attention to the problem, and during this second childbirth, doctors found out that her heart is very weak and that she must slow down because she’s in danger of a myocardial infarction.

Yael gets very easily tired.  Soon she will be examined more thoroughly, but at the moment there is nothing they can do.  Medical problems can put a lot of pressure on a young family, and this family has both parents with extreme medical problems.

Yael wanted us to express to all our friends her great appreciation for these baby supplies.  It is a great feeling to be able to give these items to her!

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