Sunday, December 18, 2016

Special Message from Israel Relief Aid CEO


Shalom Chaverim (Friends)!        

I thank God for your heart for the nation of Israel. As you read these words, we are two weeks away from year’s end—and meeting Israel Relief Aid’s budget goals by December 31 is imperative for continuing to care for the impoverished, the needy, the homeless in 2017.

As the end-time clock advances, making this goal will seriously impact our mission of helping Israel in her time of need.

This is the reason for my request for your help.  Critical needs continue for Israel. Terrorism is a continuous and deadly reality.  Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS continue to make their plans against Israel.  Iran is pushing to aim nuclear weapons at Tel Aviv. While Israel’s IDF is doing double duty on all fronts, the economy is hindering Israel’s people, driving increasing numbers into poverty, homelessness, and despair.

They need to feel our compassion—and they need the hope that a helping hand provides! Please help us reach them.

2017 lies ahead waiting for more to be done.  Children are hungry.  Parents are dismayed. Families are being hurt by poverty and its side effects.

We must reach out with love and compassion – in real help.  I urge you to pray and to give by year end.  Thank you for understanding why I write with such determination and passion and for sharing this love for Israel!   I hope to hear from you!

Shalom and Happy Hanukkah!

Jo Kaplan
CEO - Israel Relief Aid
P. O. Box 190

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