Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holocaust Survivor Passover Seder Update

Israel Relief Aid Holocaust Survivor Passover Seder

The following letter of appreciation was received from the Natzeret Ilit group that arranged the special Passover Seder we told you about.

Shalom Jo!

We would like to thank you for the generous donation of Israel Relief Aid for a Passover seder.  

Thanks to this donation, we were able to organize a Passover seder for many people. We gathered about 120 people, among them Holocaust Survivors of ghettos and new immigrants. The Passover miracles were explained, as well as the meaning of today’s immigration of the former Soviet Union to Israel and all the miracles of the last 2000 years.

Holocaust Survivor Passover Seder

At the seder, of course, we mentioned the great miracle of the Exodus, but we also told all those present about the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua.  All those present listened attentively to the sacrifice at Passover of His death and crucifixion and its timing. 

The Passover event was a great success, because the people enjoyed learning and the food. It was a great honor for us to organize this wonderful experience for all.  We sowed many seeds and we believe that soon they will begin to grow. We continue to work with the survivors of the ghettos, as we believe that one day all of Israel will be saved. It is our goal for every human being we work with.

We are happy to know that there are organizations and people who support and help us and we hope we can be partners in the future for more similar events.  Again, thank you.

Serhiy in Natzeret Ilit

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