Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Meet Yael!

Meet sweet Yael who was one recipient of diapers from Israel Relief Aid (in the picture above, to the left). Yael is married and has three children.  Her situation is very hard and sad.  Her husband had an accident at work two years ago and his leg became disabled.  He has had one operation, and in May 2017 he is due to have a second surgery.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Special Message from Israel Relief Aid CEO


Shalom Chaverim (Friends)!        

I thank God for your heart for the nation of Israel. As you read these words, we are two weeks away from year’s end—and meeting Israel Relief Aid’s budget goals by December 31 is imperative for continuing to care for the impoverished, the needy, the homeless in 2017.