Monday, December 11, 2017

Hanukkah - Light Drives Out Darkness

Both Jews and Christians celebrate their "festivals of light" during the darkest period of the year. Sunrises are really late and sunsets occur in the late afternoon already.

Light was created during the creation story when God spoke light into being to expel the darkness (Genesis 1:1 - 5). A parallel can be found in the Gospel of John chapter 1 where the Messiah is referred to as the light of the world.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

God Provides

Springs Aid Center Team in Haifa, Israel

Springs Aid Center in Haifa had a dilemma, for they received requests for help from around 5,000 needy Israelis, many of them Holocaust Survivors from the ghettos, who live in the area of the north of Israel from Haifa and other cities.

But they knew they needed a huge stock of clothing (the first basic need distributed in Israel, along with food). So . . . they talked about the problem . . . and waited for a solution. Read more...

Friday, December 1, 2017

Container on the Way!

Israel Relief Aid Netherlands Crew

On November 29th, a container, filled to the ridge with clothing and incontinence diapers, launched from our Israel Relief Aid Netherlands Branch. Mid-December cargo is expected in Ashdod.